Saturday, October 29, 2011

Spirits and Permissions

Hullo, my lovelies! Continuing on with the Thinning of the Veil series and how to cope with all the shifting energies around this time of year, today is going to be about how to deal with unwanted spirits--ghosts, interfering guides, or anything else from another plane of existence.

And the key to this is permission. Nothing can harm or bother you without your permission. Most of us don't even think about this in our daily lives and implicitly give permission for all sorts of craziness to enter. If you're one of those people, take a moment to center yourself with a few deep breaths or a quick grounding meditation, and tell whatever spirits are bothering you that you're not available and they don't have permission to keep pestering you.

If it helps, imagine yourself like a teacher and the spirits are your students. You have a body and they don't, and that puts you in charge. When you're in the classroom (aka, you want to deal with whatever's bothering you), you tell them they have permission to contact you, in a calm, orderly fashion. When you're at home (when you don't want to deal with it, or can't for whatever reason), tell them they don't have permission to even make themselves known or be around you. Make time for both being 'in the classroom' and 'at home' to make sure you don't anger anything or go insane from trying to deal with it all.

Another way is to simply tell them they don't exist, and then go about pretending that they don't. Most of the time, they'll take the hint and leave you alone.

If you have any other ways to deal with unruly spirits, please post them in the comments! We'd love to hear about them!

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