Friday, October 28, 2011

Bubble Shields are Friends, Not Food

Hello, my lovelies! Two months after we set up this blog, it's finally gearing up to get rolling; huzzah!

With the veil between the worlds growing thinner every day now as we approach Halloween, I'd bet a lot of you sensitives out there have felt the shift. Whether you're seeing more spirits than normal, feeling things around, or just feel that something's changed, it's so easy to get overwhelmed at this time of year. So for the next few days, I (Emer nĂ­ Brid, in case you were wondering), will be posting some tips and tricks for dealing with all the crazy energies going around at the moment.

First up: the basic bubble shield. This is a super simple psychic shielding technique that can be used to protect yourself from all sorts of unwanted energies, including pesky spirits. Click the cut below to find out how to do it!

A very  basic bubble shield is the psychic-on-the-go's best friend. This technique is a mash-up of a few I've learned along the way; I hope it helps.

Take a moment to ground and center, however feels the best. Sometimes, I imagine roots coming out of the soles of my feet or the base of my spine and sinking into the earth to return my crazy energies and soak up some great, calm, ancient Mother Earth energy. Sometimes, I just take several deep breaths and feel the exchange of energies with each inhale and exhale. Still other times, I lay out on the floor for a few minutes and imagine myself sinking deep into the soil until I'm completely embraced by Mother Earth's gentle, beautiful power.

When you're grounded, sit or stand firmly on the ground. Imagine a bubble of light growing around you. It can come out from the top of your head and trickle down your body until it covers you, or you can blow it out from your body like a bubble, or you can pull it up from the earth, or you can make up some other way that works best for you. The bubble can be any color you like, and even any shape. Mine generally wind up basically circular or ovular, and a light blue. Just make sure that the color is something you like or that will serve your purpose (keep you eyes open for a post on color magick/correspondences eventually!).

With the basic shield in place, visualize a symbol floating on the surface of your shield, just in front of you. It can be anything: a rose, a rune, a star, an animal. Anything that comes to mind. This is your sentry. It will alert you if there's some negative energy coming at you, or even massive amounts of positive energy. If you want it to, it will even automatically adjust your shield to deal with those fluctuations (mine does). When your sentry is attached, imagine little threads spreading out from it to cover your entire shield. Again, these threads can take any shape: rose vines, runes, constellations, you name it. As long as they wrap around the whole shield. These symbols will help the main sentry do its job, as well as help keep your shield healthy and shaped.

And there's a basic shield for you! To take it down, imagine all of that energy you put up either sinking back into you or back into the ground. Try not to pop your bubble, though, as that disperses the energies into the universe with no real purpose, and in a rather violent way. I like to keep my sentry up even when my shield itself is down, so I can just imagine it and 'touch' it with a mental finger to pop the shield up.

Good luck! Let us know your experiences in the comments!

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